The Oneness Of Being in Ibn ‘Arabī and Plotinus

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  • Kampanya fiyatından satılmak üzere 5 adetten fazla stok sunulmuştur.

  • Bir ürün, birden fazla satıcı tarafından satılabilir. Birden fazla satıcı tarafından satışa sunulan ürünlerin satıcıları ürün için belirledikleri fiyata, satıcı puanlarına, teslimat statülerine, ürünlerdeki promosyonlara, kargonun bedava olup olmamasına ve ürünlerin hızlı teslimat ile teslim edilip edilememesine, ürünlerin stok ve kategorileri bilgilerine göre sıralanmaktadır.

  • Lately, there has been a great demand for comparative studies in philosophy.

  • In this regard, Rasoul RAHBARI GHAZANI’s work is a very important contribution to this field and a critical at tempt to overcome the Eurocentrism of philosophy.

  • Comparing the views of Ibn ‘Arabi, who has been very influential in Islamic thought, and the views of Plotinus in Westem philosophy will be a source for fruitful discussions in both traditions.

  • Prof.

  • Dr.

  • Recep ALPYAĞIL Philosophy of Religion, İstanbul University Rasoul RAHBARI GHAZANI’s book is a very welcome addition to the English-speaking literatüre on Ibn 'Arabi.

  • It combines the rigor of philosophical analysis with an insider’s familiarity with Islamic mysticism and knowledge of its Neoplatonic dimensions.

  • Focusing on Plotinus’s Enneads and Ibn 'Arabî’s Seals of Wis-dom he succeeds in offering a thorough and complete analysis of the doctrine of Oneness of Being.

  • A very positive point is RAH-BARI GHAZANI’s grasp of the English language bibliography on both Ibn Arabi’ and Plotinus, but also his expertise in examining Arabic and Persian sources in the original languages.

  • A highly recommended book, very useful for advanced students, scholars, and anyone seriously interested in the great Sufi master.

Normal Boy
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